The Accommodation and Food Services sector comprises establishments providing customers with lodging and/or preparing meals, snacks, and beverages for immediate consumption. The sector includes both accommodation and food services establishments because the two activities are often combined at the same establishment. Excluded from this sector are civic and social organizations; amusement and recreation parks; theaters; and other recreation or entertainment facilities providing food and beverage services.
703,057 records have full address .
143,100 records have a telephone.
22,000 records have email.
7,400 records have website.
The fields included in the Excel file are Name business, Official Name (if applicable), code NAICS, Sub-sector name, Number of Employees, Address (type of road, road, exterior number, exterior letter, etc.), Neighborhood, Postal Code, id_state, State, id_municipality, Municipality, id_city, city, Telephone (if applicable), Email (if applicable), Website (if applicable), Latitude, Longitude
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